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Toro Boys Volleyball


Hello Everyone


It’s time to start thinking about the upcoming season! We are excited to get started and ready for another great season on Mountain View Volleyball. I've enjoyed seeing the boys at club tournaments and winning on the sand!


As usual, I try to keep the website updated with all relevant links and schedules. Please look there for any info you might need!



We are going to change our communication strategy this year. After so many years coaching, my contact list is so busy I can't keep track to make sure everyone stays well-informed. The district is also going to start mandating we use communication apps to interact with people here soon. So we are ahead of the curve.


Please download the app SportsYou. Please allow your sons to do so as well. You can share our group code with anyone: Grandparents, fans, future players/parents. We will have groups for the Varsity and JV teams, parents, etc. The one you should join right away is the "MVT Boys Volleyball News and Announcements" Group. 

Tryout Eligibility

Please remember your son needs to register for tryouts on Register my Athlete. He will also need all 6 pages of the physical form completed. Freshmen need to complete the Brain Book/Opioid Concussion Course to participate. The MV Athletics page has links to all of this for your convenience. 



The cost for each player this year will be $200. Each player will receive a Custom Backpack, Custom Toro Volleyball Slunks, and a Toro Volleyball Polo. We are also purchasing new volleyballs this year. After tryouts, I'll let you know how/where to pay. Please note no Coach should handle any money.


We don't do an organized fundraiser, instead I leave it to you to find these funds over the next 3 months. Send the boys to mow lawns, do chores for allowance, go work for Grandparents, whatever works for them.


Varsity Travel Tournament - Best of the West

The Varsity team usually attends a tournament in Las Vegas every year, however this year the tournament falls over Spring Break. We will instead attend The Best of the West Invitational in Poway, CA on March 2-5. We need some parent volunteers on this trip, so please let me know if you would like to come! Please see the Best of the West page on the website for more information!



ECA funds is how we pay for coaches to work with the kids. MPS is the lowest paying district in the valley and only pays for a Head Varsity and Head JV coach, and we can't be effective with the boys without good assistant coaches. Please consider donating ECA Tax credits to help our program. The district doesn't support us enough, so we rely on you. See the ECA Page for more information.


We are excited to start another great season. Let me know if I can answer any questions you might have


Kevin Powell

Match Schedule


Toro Athletics

Boys Volleyball: About
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